Item Author Title Year School Pag. Disciplines Lang.
1 Johnson, DeWayne B. Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction? 1950 University of California, Los Angeles 348 Master of Arts and Journalism English
2 Stupple, David W.  A Functional Approach to Social Movements with an Analysis of the I Am Religious Sect and the Congress of Racial Equality  1965 University of Missoury, Kansas 170 Master English
3 Dutton, Ronald  An Analysis of Unidentified Flying Objects 1967 The Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery 60 Thesis English
4 King, John R.  The UFO Problem: Time for a Reassessment 1968 Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama 130 Thesis English
5 Stanley, Darrell L.  UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life 1968 Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama 59 Thesis English
6 Strentz, Herbert Joseph A Survey of Press Coverage of Unidentified Flying Objects,1947-1966 1970 Northtwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 355 Journalism Ph.D. Dissertation  English
7 Stroh, Jerry D.  The UFO Debate in Still Alive 1971 Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama 81 Research Study English
8 Shea, David J.  The UFO Phenomenon: A Study in Public Relations 1972 University of Denver, Colorado 303 Master of Arts English
9 Jacobs, David Michael The Controversy Over Unidentified Flying Objects in America: 1896-1973 1973 University of Wisconsin, Madison 377 Modern History Ph.D. Dissertation  English
10 Schutz, Michael Kelly Organizational Goals and Support-Seeking Behavior: A Comparative Study of Social Movement Organizations in the UFO (Flying Saucer) Field  1973 Northwestern University 448 General Sociology Ph.D. Dissertation  English
11 McCarthy, Paul Edward Politicking and Paradigm Shifting: James E. McDonald and the UFO Case Study  1975 University of Hawaii 303 Ph.D. Dissertation in Political Sciences English
12 Resta, Stephen P.  The Relationship of Anomie and Externality to Strength of Belief in Unidentified Flying Objects 1975 Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland   Master of Arts English
13 Dick, Steven James Plurality of Worlds and Natural Philosophy: An Historical Study of the Origins of Belief in other Worlds and Extraterrestrial Life 1977 Indiana University   PhD English
14 Walter, Everett Richard The Study of Unidentified Flying Objects and Its Adoption Within the Community College Curriculum 1977 Nova University 125 D.Ed. Dissertation English
15 Ayers, Bradley Earl The UFO Experience and Its Effect Upon Human Conciousness 1980 Heed University, Hollywood, Florida 309 Thesis English
16 Baechle, Michael Alois A Review of the Psychoanalytic and Developmental Paradigms of Interstellar Radio Communication, 1959-1978  1980 Northwestern University 266 Mass Communication Ph.D. Dissertation  English
17 Zabilka, Ivan Lee Nineteenth Century Bristish and American Perspectives on the Plurality of Worlds: A Consideration of Scientific and Christian Attitudes 1980 University of Kentucky   PhD English
18 Bullard, Thomas Eddie  Mysteries in the Eye of the Beholder: UFOs and Their Correlates as a Folkloric Theme Past and Present 1982 Indiana University 608 Folklore Ph.D. Dissertation  English
19 Rojcewicz, Peter Michael The Boundaries of Orthodoxy: A Folkloric Look at the "UFO Phenomenon" 1984 University of Pennsylvania, USA 738 Folklore Ph.D. Dissertation  English
20 McIver, Shirley The UFO Movement - A Sociological Study of UFO Groups 1985 University of York (UK) 232 Master in Sociology English
21 Parnell, June Ottilie Personality Characteristics on the MMPI, 16PF and ACL of Persons Who Claim UFO Experiences 1986 University of Wyoming 110 Personality Psychology Ph.D. Dissertation English
22 Milligan, Linda Jean The UFO Debate: A Study of a Contemporary Legend (Volumes I and II) 1988 Ohio State University 624 Folklore Ph.D. Dissertation  English
23 Flaherty, Robert Pearson Flying Saucers and the New Angelology: Mythic Projection of the Cold War and the Convergence of Opposites  1990 University of California, Los Angeles 726 Folklore Ph.D. Dissertation  English
24 Mason, Bruce Lionel  Belief, Explanation and Rhetoric in the Crop Circle Phenomenon of Southern England 1991 Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)     M.A. Thesis English
25 Campiglia, Christophe L’irrationnel et ses habitants - A deux periodes distinctes de l’histoire: les OVNI au XXeme siecle et les fees, les lutins, le diable et la mort du XV au XVIIIeme siecle 1992 Université de Nantes (France) 250 Memoire de Maitrise en Sociologie French
26 Cross, Patricia Ann  A Social Psychological Investigation of UFO Sighters 1992 Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada) 244 MA in Social Psychology English
27 Mandelker, Scott Richard  From Elsewhere: An Examination of Extraterrestrial Identity 1992 California Institute of Integral Studies 191 PhD, Cultural Anthropology English
28 Romesberg, Daniel Ray  The Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Sociological Analysis  1992 University of Pittsburgh 361 General Sociology Ph.D. Dissertation  English
29 Stone-Carmen, Jo Personality Characteristics and Self-Identified Experiences of Individuals Reporting Possible Abduction by UFOs 1992 United States International University 131 Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Dissertation  English
30 Vacarr, Barbara Adina  The Divine Container (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma, Abduction) 1993 The Union Institute 157 PhD, Clinical Psychology English
31 Jeménez, Manuel Témoignage d'OVNI et psychologie de la perception 1994 Université Paul Valery, Montpellier (France) 391 Psychology Ph.D. Dissertation French
32 Kerth, Linda Pictorial Memory and UFO Phenomena: How Reliable is Eyewitness Testimony? 1994 Faculty of Rosebridge Graduate School  234 Ph.D. Dissertation, Psychology English
33 Donovan, Derek Michael  Angels and Extraterrestrials in Contemporary Dramatic and Filmic Literature 1995 Stephen F. Austin State University 147 MA English
34 Owen, Barbara L.  A Heuristic Study of the Experience of the Breakthrough of the Sacred (Mysticism, Near Death Experience) 1995 Saybrook Institute 314 Psychology English
35 Liberini, Fabrizio Dallo spiritismo al culto dei dischi volanti - Per un itinerario all’interno dei nuovi movimenti magici 1997 Istituto Sup. Marchigiano di Scienze Religiose, Loreto 217 Tesi di Magistero Italian
36 Genovese, Stefania La mitopoiesi ufologica 1999 Università degli Studi Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Milano 162 Tesi in Filosofia Italian
37 Day, Duncan J.A. Psychological correlates of the UFO abduction experience : the role of beliefs and indirect suggestions on abduction accounts obtained during hypnosis 1998 Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) 240 Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dept. of Psychology English
38 Dean, Jodi Aliens in America : conspiracy cultures from outerspace to cyberspace 1998 Cornell University Press, USA 242   English
39 Brummett, William E. & Zuick Jr, Ernest R. Should The Air Force Reopen Project Blue Book? 1974 The Graduate Faculty of Auburn University, Alabama 109 Master of Public Administration English
40 Cavé, Isabelle Les joutes oratoires des ufologues en cette fin du XXe siècle - Regard d'une sociologue 2000 Université de Haute-Bretagne - Rennes II 351 Mémoire de maîtrise de sociologie French
41 Rice, David Charles Alien Home (H. G. Wells, Orson Welles, Media Theory) 1997 University of California 198 Modern Literature English
42 Denzler, Brenda The Lure of the Edge: Science, Religion and the Alien Abduction Movement 1998 Duke University 474 PhD, Religion English
43 Colli, Janet Elizabeth The Role of trauma in the process of entering the magical realm (UFO's, Postraumatic Stress Disorder, Extraterrestrials) 1997 The Union Institute 360 PhD, Clinical Psychology English
44 Hoyt, Diana Palmer UFOCRITIQUE. UFOs, Social Intelligence and the Condon Committee 2000 Virginia Polytechnic Institute 129 Master in Science and Technology Studies English
45 Suenaga, Cláudio Tsuyoshi A dialética do real e do imaginàrio: Uma proposta de interpretação do Fenômeno OVNI 1999 Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brésil 300 Master in Sociology Portugues
46 Contreras T., Sonia y Villalobos M., Viviana Tratamiento y cobertura periodística de los fenómenos OVNIs en las revistas de divulgación científica "Muy Interesante" y "Conozca Más" 1998 Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins, Santiago, Chile 152 Trabajo de Licenciatura Spanish
47 Contardo, Óscar Investigación ufológica en Chile. ¿Ciencia o delirio? 1998 Universidad de Chile, Santiago 91 Trabajo de Licenciatura en periodismo Spanish
48 González, Anita Karina Cazadores del misterio (Archivo Ovni: investigación ufológica en Chile) 1998 Universidad de Chile, Santiago 175 Trabajo de Licenciatura en periodismo Spanish
49 Dain, Jean-Philippe L'épreuve de la preuve. La photographie et le phénomène des ovnis 1994 Université Paris VIII, UFR Arts - Dep. Image Photographique   Mémoire de Maîtrise French
50 Abrassart, Jean-Michel Approche Sociopsychologique du Phénomène O.V.N.I. 2001 Université Catholique de Louvain 158 Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education - Mémoire de licence en psychologie French
51 Brown, Bridget M. The terror is real. The history and politics of alien abduction 2001, May New York University 320 Doctoral dissertation, American Studies Program English
52 Cross, Anne Boyle A confederacy of faith and fact: UFO research and the search for other worlds 2000, May Yale University 226 Doctoral dissertation in Sociology English
53 Harkins, Kevin M. Belief in UFOs and alien abduction phenomena as a function of paranormal beliefs, fantasy proneness, dissociative experience, and psychological adjustment 1996 Bridgewater State College, Mass.   Unpublished MA dissertation in Psychology English
54 Kopolow, Mindy Sue Alien abductees' reports of worldview Alien abductees' reports of worldview reconstruction 1996 Antioch New England Graduate School, Keene, NH   Doctoral dissertation in Psychology English
55 Matthews, Carol Suzanne Taken: Constructions of 'race', 'biology' and colonialism in alien abduction narrative in the United States 2001, May University of Kansas 552 Doctoral dissertation, Department of American  Studies English
56 Platz, Stephanie Pasts and Futures: Space, History, and Armenian Identity, 1988-1994 1996 University of Chicago   Unpublished doctoral dissertation in Anthropology English
57 Remington, John Joseph The effects of reports of extraterrestrial abduction and subsequent mental health treatment: A phenomenological psychological Assessment 2001 California Institute of Integral Studies 350 Psychological Doctoral Dissertation English
58 Laczkò, J. UFOs und Außerirdische. Eine religionssoziologische Untersuchung des Milieus um das Phänomen der fliegenden Untertassen (OVNIs y extraterrestres. Una investigacion religiosa-sociologica del ambiente en torno del fenomeno de los platillos volantes) 2000 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany 159 Diplome in Soziologie German
59 Mitchell, Timothy A. It came from inner space: Faith, science, conquest and The War of the Worlds. 2001, April 23 Georgetown University, Washington DC 110 Unpublished MA dissertation in Communication, Culture, and Technology English
60 Lagrange, Pierre L’Archipel arnoldien. Les premières controverses sur l'existence des soucoupes volantes aux Etats-Unis et en France. 1990 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris   Mémoire présenté en vue du Diplôme en sociologie French
61 Lagrange, Pierre L’Epreuve du paranormal. A propos de quelques travaux de sociologie des parasciences 1991 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris   Mémoire présenté en vue du Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en sociologie French
62 Parisi, Daniele Il Fenomeno UFO come construzione sociale: Dai dischi volanti al culto dell'extraterrestre 2000 Universitá degli Studi di Torino, Facoltá di Science Politiche   Tesi di laurea  in sociologia della conoscenza Italian
63 Rodeghier, Mark John Factors Influencing Attitudes Toward Controversial Research Quantitatively Disentangling the Social from the Scientific 1994 University of Illinois, Chicago 180   English
64 Galleguillos, Pedro El mensaje ET y las propuestas para la humanidad 1998 Universidad Diego Portales, Chile   Trabajo de Licenciatura en periodismo Spanish
65 Aburto, Patricia & Gómez, Sandra Los OVNIs como noticia en la prensa escrita 1999 Universidad de Santiago, Chile   Trabajo de Licenciatura en periodismo Spanish
66 Lepselter, Susanv C. UFO Stories: The Poetics of Uncanny Encounters in a Counterpublic Discourse 1994 University of Texas   Master's Thesis English
67 Blann, Richard The Roswell Incident: The Emergence of the UFO Community as a Subculture in American Society 1998 Brandeis University, USA 227 Senior Honors Thesis English
68 Cox, Marcus The prevalence of sleep paralysis and temporal lobe lability in persons who report alien abduction. 1995 University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.   Ph. D. Department of Psychology English
69 Hendrix, Robert C. Biblical analysis of the UFO/Alien Abduction phenomenon with possible implications for end times deception 2001 Northwest Graduate School of the ministry, Redmond, WA   Doctor of ministry (D.Min.) English
70 Howard, Robert Glenn Passages divinely lit: Vernacular Revelatory Rhetoric on the Internet 2001 University of Oregon 299 PhD Department of English English
71 Lalich, Janja A. Bounded choice: The fusion of personal freedom and self-renunciation in two transcendent groups 2000 The Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, CA  638 PhD Sociology English
72 Zlotsky, Andres Supposed science, alleged fiction distortion patterns in the transmission of cultural paradigms in the twentieth century 2001 State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) 391 PhD Literature English
73 Isaksson, Stefan New Religious UFO Movements: Extraterrestrial Salvation in Contemporary America 2000 California State University, Fresno 85 Master's thesis English
74 Dodd, Adam Grey Areas: Negotiating the Alien Abduction Phenomenon 1998 University of Queensland, Canada   MA English
75 Arkhipov, Alexy New Approaches to the Problem of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 1998 Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine Astrophysics  
76 Mandelker, Scott From elsewhere. Being E.T. In America. 1995       English
77 Roubo, Kelly S. Pop culture and the UFO narrative: Who's buying it, who's selling it, and who's not telling it 2001 Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA 80 MA Thesis in Folklore English
78 Durao, Maria Helena Um fenómeno aeroespacial nao identificado em Ferreira do Alentejo mediatizaçao e leituras sócio-culturais 1998 Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto 122 Graduation thesis in Communication Sciences Portuguese
79 Lacco, Maurizio Attivita' di intelligence e individuazione di oggetti volanti non identificati (UFO): la comunicazio 2002 Università di Cosenza   Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia Italian
80 Henriksen, Krista S. Alien Encounters:  A Close Analysis of Personal Accounts of Extraterrestrial Experiences 2002 Simon Fraser University   Department of Sociology and Anthropology English
81 Greenhalgh, Alan Social Constructionist, Psychological, and Official Theories of UFOS 2002 California State University, Dominguez Hills 100 Master of Arts in Humanities English
82 Cabria, Ignacio Valores, símbolos y representaciones en una experiencia de contacto extraterrestre: el Grupo Aztlán. 2003 Universidad Complutense de Madrid 104 Doctorate in Social Antrhopology Spanish
83 Tumminia, Diana Jean Brothers from the sky: Myth and reality in a flying saucer group. 1995 University of California, Los Angeles 193   English
84 Kelley, Stephanie M. The myth of communion: A rhetorical analysis of the narratives of alien abductees. 1999 University of Kansas 263 PhD Thesis English
85 Clarkson, Persis Banvard The archaeology and geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru, or, The extraterrestrial foundations of Andean civilization 1985 University of Calgary, Canada   PhD Thesis English
86 George, Merry Eleanor The social myth as structurational rhetoric: A model for analyzing the rhetorical texts of the Heaven 2003 University of Southern Mississippi 180   English
87 Goerman, Patricia L. Heaven's Gate: A Sociological Perspective 1998 University of Virginia   MA Thesis. Department of Sociology English
88 Godhe, Michael Morgondagens experter : tekniken, ungdomen och framsteget i populärvetenskap och science fiction i S 2003 University of Linköping   Philosophical Faculty Swedish
89 Alcíbar Cuello, Miguel Controversias tecnocientíficas y medios de comunicación: el caso de la clonación humana y los raëlianos en El País 2004 Universidad de Sevilla, España   Tesis doctoral en Comunicación Spanish
90 Fernandes, Joaquim O imaginário extraterrestre na cultura portuguesa. Do fim da Modernidade até meados do século XIX. 2004 Universidade do Porto, Portugal   Tese doctoral em Historia. Portuguese
91 Harvey-Wilson, Simon Shamanism and Alien Abductions: A Comparative Study 2001 Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.   Unpublished MA thesis English
92 Zuppardi, Eleonora Tra scienza e fantasia: gli extraterrestri nell'immaginario contemporaneo 2004 University of Bologna 105 Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Italian
93 Ruvolo, Alberto Media ed esperienze di comunità. Il rapporto tra ufologia e mezzi d'informazione 2005 Università Cattolica di Milano   Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia - Linguaggi dei media Italian
94 Leonardi, Erica La rappresentazione dell'alieno nella fiction americana contemporanea. Il caso Roswell fra televisione ed internet 2001 Università Cattolica di Milano   Storia della radio e della televisione Italian
95 Ferreira Neto, José Fonseca As ciências dos mitos e o mito da ciência 1984 Instituição UnB 176 Mestrado Portugues
96 Chatelin, Annie Approche sociologique complexe du charisme - Le Mouvement Raëlien et son prophète 2001 Université de Perpignan   thèse de doctorat en Sociologie French
97 Winkel, Julien La presse OVNI : une étude de la presse spécialisée dans les Objets Volants Non-Identifiés 2000 Université Libre de Bruxelles   mémoire de licence en journalisme French
98 Redon, Vèronique Images des extraterrestres chez les jeunes 1993 Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III   mémoire de maîtrise en sociologie French
99 van Vlodorp, Frédéric La vague belge d'observations d'OVNI vue par la presse écrite francophone en 1989-1991 : étude thématique et regard critique 1992 Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liège   mémoire présenté pour le grade de licencié en arts et sciences de la communication French
100 Follmer, F. Une secte soucoupique : les raëliens 1989 Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III   mémoire de maîtrise en sociologie French
101 Galzy, Véronique et Letort, Solveig OVNI : un tabou scientifique? 1988 Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III   mémoire de maîtrise en sociologie French
102 Mirande, Bernard Les O.V.N.I. et les E.T. dans les rêves 1983 Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III   Mémoire de DESS en psychologie clinique French
103 Vicent, Lise Contribution à l'étude de la vie associative : le cas de deux associations scientifiques montpelliéraines 1983 Université Paul Valéry   Mémoire de maîtrise en sociologie French
104 Marcus, Michel Analyse statistique des rapports d'observation d'OVNI 1980 Université Paris VII   Rapport de DEA French
105 Loquier, David Le mythe des enlèvements extraterrestres   Université Michel-de-Montaigne Bordeaux III   mémoire de maîtrise d'anglais French?
106 De Ponti, Andrea Il fenomeno degli oggetti volanti non identificati (U.F.O.) trattato dai quotidiani italiani dal 1947 al 1997 2005 Università di Milano 104 Scienze Politiche Italian
107 Heilund, Jan Bertil Tensions, synthesis and spirituality in the Norwegian UFO movement, especially exemplified by the world outlook of the organization NETI 2005 University of Bergen   Doctoral thesis Norvegian
108 Hanson, Tayah L. The "Rael" World. Narratives of the Raelian Movement 2005 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon   MA dissertation in Sociology English
109 Meier, Gernot „Und die Götter landen immer wieder..." : Zukunftsprognostik in neureligiösen UFO-Bewegungen im Medium Internet 2003 Institut fur Religionswissenschaft, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat, Heidelberg Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Fakultat Philosophie German
110 Morel, Jérémy Mon Dieu... un ovni...: du phénomène ovni à ses dérives religieuses, en France de 1950 à nos jours 2005 Université Jean Moulin (Lyon, France) 123 Mémoire de master, Histoire French
111 Mavrakis, Daniel Aspects psychiatriques, médico-psychologiques et sociologiques du phénomène OVNI 2001 Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis. Faculté de Médecine 202 Thèse d'exercice, Médecine French
112 Tedde, Giovanna Black Out nel sistema dei media: il caso Area 51 2006 University of Sassari (Faculty: Scienze Politiche; course: Scienze della Comunicazione e Giornalismo) 81 Teorie e tecniche della comunicazione di mass Italian
113 Lepselter, Susan Claudia The flight of the ordinary: Narrative, poetics, power and UFOs in the American uncanny 2005 University of Texas at Austin, TX   PhD degree, Doctoral dissertation, Folklore and Public Culture Department English
114 Banchs, Roberto Enrique Psicoaxiosociologia del fenomeno OVNI 1986 Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy, Argentina   PhD, Social Psychology Portuguese?
115 McNeece, William Building a Flying Saucer: A Study in Parsonian Theory 1975 Eastern Michigan University   MA Thesis English
116 Baragiola, Antonio Aspectos psicologicos de la observacion de objetos voladores no identificados (OVNIs) 1980 Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina 86 Trabajio de licenciatura en psicologia Portuguese?
117 Ramkissoonsingh, Ravi  UFO and Alien Encounter Narratives: A Cross-Cultural Analysis 2002 Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada   Master of Arts English
118 Zúñiga, Diego Los OVNIS. La prensa escrita en la difusión de creencias populares 2003 Escuela de Periodismo, Instituto de Estudios de la Comunicación e Imagen, Universidad de Chile. Santiago de Chile 245 Memoria de Título en periodismo (tesina de licenciatura) Spanish
119 Rønnevig, George M. Alien abductions. Historiske og sosiokulturelle tilnærminger til forestillinger om å ha vært bortført av UFO 1999 Institutt for Kulturstudier, Universitetet i Oslo 131 Thesis in History of Religion Norvegian
120 Fricke, Arthur C. Seti Science: Managing Alien Narratives 2004 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York   Doctoral dissertation, Science and Technology Studies English
121 Harrison, Mark Lowery The Extraterrestrial in US Culture 2006 School of Arts and Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Doctoral dissertation on Communication: Rhetoric and Communication English
122 Kemerle, Sandra UFO-Hysterie in den USA - Ein interdisziplinäres Phänomen zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik, Religion und Kommerz 2005 Institut für Amerikanistik, Universität Leipzig   MA thesis on Amerikanistik - Kultur und Landeskunde German
123 Moberg, Jessica  When the flying saucers landed in the Swedish Welfare State 2006 Sodertorn high school, faculty of Science of Religion 82   Swedish
124 Wade, Alex  On the Margins of Reality: Ufology and the Conflict between Speculative and Traditional Science in Post-World War II America 2003 Duke University   Thesis in History English
125 Prevett, Timothy An evaluation of belief in extraterrestrial life and associated phenomena with a selective survey and assessment of recent Christian faith responses 1998 Regents Theological College, Nantwich, Cheshire, UK   BA Thesis in theology English
126 Parente, Patricio Ariel Experiencia y legitimidad en narrativas OVNI: folklore científico y folklore popular en el valle de Calingasta 2006 Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofia y Letras. Departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas Tesis de licenciatura en Ciencias Antropológicas Portuguese?
127 Cook, Ryan J. Shaman and Abductee: American Ufology as Cryptoscience and Countersociology 1998 University of Chicago, Chicago IL   MA thesis in cultural anthropology English
128 Cook, Ryan J. Weather-Workers, Saucer Seekers, and Orthoscientists: Epistemic Authority in Centeral Mexico 2004 University of Chicago, Chicago IL   doctoral dissertation in cultural anthropology English
129 Matthews, Carol Suzanne Otherworld Journeys: UFO Abduction Narratives as Transformative Stories 1995 University of Kansas, USA   MA thesis in Religious Studies English
130 Tonizzo, Silvia I gufi non sono quello che sembrano. Esplorazione di un Mondo Possibile: L'Universo di Significato delle Interferenze Aliene 2007 Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (Scienze della Comunicazione, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia) Tesi di laurea in sociologia Italian
131 Quiros, Cristianne Exo-psychology research: A phenomenological study of people who believe themselves to be alien-human hybrids 2001 Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA   Doctoral dissertation, Clinical Psychology English
132 Boyer, Jan UFO myth and theosophy (Ufo-myter og teosofi) 2007 Institute of Archaeology and Religious Studies, Historical-Philosophical Faculty, Norway Techno-Natural Science University, Trondheim MA thesis in Religious Studies Norvegian
133 Blair, Michael Tracy Gods from the Machines: On the Anthropology of Alien Abductions 1994 Washington State University, Pullman, WA   M.A. thesis in Anthropology, Department of Anthropology English
134 Rodman, Rosamond C. Unhomeliness: Harlem, Heaven's Gate and John's Gospel 2004 Columbia University, New York, New York   Doctoral dissertation, Early Christianity English
135 Wood, David The Hidden Geography of Transnational Surveillance: Social and Technological Networks around Signals Intelligence Sites 2001 Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne doctoral dissertatio English